User:Joseph Turnner

From District9

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[edit] Joseph Turnner

Former U.S Marine of 4 years and MNU field security guard For District 10 , Joseph Turnner was the "laid back" out of all MNU security staff. As he said in his job interview "I'll do my best to keep the peeps on the other side of that fence safe; but in the meantime try to befriend a prawn or 2. Who knows I might just run into that Sh*t outta luck Vidkus guy! Or his courps...Hey! no one knows what happened! In the end, if he's ever found; Human or alien...He'll be alive or dead. right?". Now wanted by Johannesburg Government and MNU for supplying illegal weapons and confiscated alien tech to alien gang members and for the suspicion of being infected with the alien metamorphosis. Last sightings of Joseph Turnner was over 2 months ago by his X-fiancée witch at the time was suspected to have been over 27 hours after his "exposure".(at the time she was his fiancée.)"All he was doing was asking me to wait and that he'll get fixed. and I look his arm and his alien eyes...and told him no...that's it...he still looked human, just not for long." - Danny O'Keeif.

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